
The first round of the European Championship this year will not be run as planned at Vojens Speedway Center. On Friday, Polish licensee ONE Sport announces that '2020 Ovethi - Dæ Speedway Euro Championship' has been canceled. Director Jacob Olsen sees the cancellation as a loss for Danish speedway.

By Ib Søby

The race was scheduled to run on Saturday, June 20, when Danish European champion Mikkel Michelsen together world stars such as Leon Madsen and Nicki Pedersen should have started the four-race European Championships. In addition to the prestigious title, the winner also achieves participation in the 2021 World Cup Grand Prix.

Instead, the entire series will probably be run in Poland.

- We are saddened that this year's SEC Round 1 in Vojens cannot be run as planned due to the coronavirus situation in Europe, writes Jan Koniekiewicz of ONE Sport in a press release.

 - Our common goal with FIM-Europe, Eurosport and everyone involved is still to implement SEC 2020 and create a new European champion. Currently, under the current restrictions on travel, quarantine rules and finances, the only possible way is to run the entire series behind closed doors in Poland. Details and the new calendar will be announced in the following days.

Director of Speed1Way, which runs the Vojens Speedway Center, Jacob Olsen, also regrets that Danish fans lose a major international event on Danish soil.

- It is not only a serious loss for Vojens Speedway Center, but also for Danish speedway as a whole. The SEC EM series has become very attractive, where Danish top riders can compare with some of the world's best. Last year we had a fantastic evening when the SEC European Championship was at the same time opening the new era at the national speedway arena here in Vojens, says Jacob Olsen.

Vojens Speedway Center still has this year's Danish World Cup Grand Prix, Saturday September 12, and the individual DM, Wednesday September 30, on the calendar.

- We now focus on the two events in September, and hope for great support from the audience and fans. It may be that we are going through a difficult season with the skin on our noses, says Jacob Olsen.

Whether the Danish league, where the SES - Southern Jutland Elite Speedway should make its debut, is being completed is yet to be determined. On Saturday, May 16, the management of the Danish clubs will meet and discuss the possibilities.

Buyers for the SEC EM race will receive an email directly from with further information regarding reimbursement.

INFO: Jacob Olsen, Speed1Way, +45 23420507

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