
The tickets for the Danish WC Grand Prix 2023 are now on sale.

For the fast, it is almost the perfect Christmas present for any speedway fan.

It is Saturday 16 September, and thus the Christmas present – and the joy of anticipation – can last for over eight months!

Vojens Speedway Center offers favorable Early Bird discounted prices of around 30 % on standing seats and 20 % on grandstand seats. At the same time, the tickets are also valid for the exciting time trial and qualification for the Grand Prix starting places, which are run on the same day from 1 p.m.

There will also be the large Fan Zone with autograph writing and entertainment from 2 p.m., for which the tickets are of course valid.

In 2023, Denmark has double World Cup silver winner and European champion Leon Madsen, SES – Sønderjylland Elite Speedway profile Anders Thomsen, and North Zealand's Mikkel Michelsen to start in the Grand Prix series, which begins in Croatia on Saturday 29 April.

SGP2 – U21 WC

In 2023, Vojens Speedway Center has also been assigned to host the 3rd and decisive round of the SGP2 – U21 WC. It will be run on Friday 15 September, i.e. one day before the big WC Grand Prix.

Here, Vojens Speedway Center has knocked the prices down.

All children under the age of 15 enter for free, and with purchase Early Bird prices, you can save more than 40% on seating and more than 30% on standing.

- We are proud to be named the U21 world champion, where there will of course be Danish drivers - and who may also be in the running for medals. We have lowered the prices considerably because we want to create a party night, the day before our Grand Prix, says director Jacob Olsen.

Denmark's most recent U21 medal came in 2021, when SES driver Mads Hansen won silver.

More info: and

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