Speedway at Christiansborg

Photo: After the meeting, Helge Frimodt and Jacob Olsen had an informal chat with Kasper Sand Kjær (A) from
Parliamentary Culture Committee.

On Wednesday morning, the Folketing's Culture Committee was visited by Jacob Olsen and Helge Frimodt Pedersen from Speed1Way and Vojens Speedway Center. The occasion was the government's current corona restrictions in relation to audience access to upcoming races in the metal Speedway League, the DM final - Wednesday 9 June - and the Danish World Cup Grand Prix in September.

By Ib Søby

How will Vojens Speedway Center in the coming months relate to sector division, and the number of spectators and distance requirements in each sector.

What does it take for Vojens Speedway Center to operate with four sectors with 500 spectators for events until 31 August.

How do the current restrictions for the speedway sport stand in relation to the outdoor fan zones which allow 500 spectators per. sector, and no upper limit of the number of zones, in connection with the European Football Championship.

Following the government's latest reopening plan of 21 May, Speed1Way has in writing asked Minister of Culture Joy Mogensen (A) about the possibility of dispensation, so that the speedway sport can also achieve the same conditions as indoor organizers, with 500 people in four sectors.

The Ministry of Culture has not yet responded.

A meeting with the chairman of the Folketing's Culture Committee - Member of Parliament Hans Christian Schmidt (V) - led to today's presentation in the committee, where Jacob Olsen and Helge Frimodt Pedersen could explain the speedway sport's situation, for example compared to the current Superliga scheme in Football.

- We also raised some questions about compensation options in relation to the financial losses that both we and other Danish clubs have suffered during the spring and last year's closures, says Jacob Olsen.

- Our meeting with the Culture Committee was held in a good and positive tone, and I feel that there was an understanding of our situation. Nothing may be changed from today to tomorrow, but both Hans Christian Schmidt and other members of the committee expressed their unreserved support, both regarding the possibilities for compensation via the so-called organizer scheme, but also to be aware of the speedway sport by further easing of restrictions, says Jacob Olsen.

Several members of the Culture Committee also indicated that there will probably be a broad political majority for very large reductions when all Danes over the age of 50 have been vaccinated.

It is expected to happen in mid-July.

- This attitude is absolutely crucial for the Danish World Cup Grand Prix, Saturday 11 September. The thing is that Speed1Way has to pay a very large amount in advance to secure a Danish World Cup department, and it can not be connected at all without a significant number of fans at the stadium, says Jacob Olsen.

Olsen and Frimodt Pedersen were last year to a meeting with Minister of Trade and Industry Simon Kollerup (A), but on that occasion the ministry could not give a clear answer to the compensation options, which was a strong contributor to Denmark not having a World Cup Grand Prix in 2020.     

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