SønderjyskE gives Vojens Speedway a safe hand

Photo: Helge Frimodt Pedersen (left) from Speed1Way received good advice about sporting events and corona restrictions from Morten Rasmussen from SønderjyskE. (ice)

On Tuesday morning, Vojens Speedway Center was visited by safety manager Morten Rasmussen from SønderjyskE. Here, the management of Speed1Way received a number of riddles about the settlement of this year's individual DM, on Wednesday 30 September. A race that is completed despite extensive corona restrictions.

By Ib Søby

- Basically, it is about ensuring the audience the optimal journey from the moment they buy the ticket until they leave the stadium, Morten Rasmussen explained after the meeting with Jacob Olsen and Helge Frimodt Pedersen.

As head of security at SønderjyskE, Morten Rasmussen has carried out super league football matches, ice hockey and handball matches, with great attention to the national health restrictions regarding coronavirus.

- Yes, the safety around corona requires a completely different and more precise logistics than usual, but I think that the conditions at Vojens Speedway Center are excellent in relation to the upcoming DM race. There is plenty of room to place the audience in divided sectors. There are also good parking and access conditions, which create a somewhat larger space than, for example, an ice hockey or handball match inside a hall, says Morten Rasmussen

Everyone is sitting down

According to Helge Frimodt Pedersen from Speed1Way, all spectators to the DM final must sit down.

- We will have festival chairs in divided sectors, and can also use about half of our grandstand. In addition, there are a number of other initiatives such as registration of the public, officials and the press, just as there will be changed conditions in and around the equestrian farm.

Speed1Way is awaiting a revised executive order on Wednesday - the so-called super league scheme - from the parliamentary parties.

- When we have received the executive order, we can prepare the final conditions for the DM final, says Helge Frimodt Pedersen.

So far, 700 tickets have been sold and they are all guaranteed admission.

- We hope on Friday to be able to open up for sale of another 2,000 tickets to the DM final, but we will just study the new executive order first, says Helge Frimodt Pedersen, and encourages interested parties to stay thoroughly informed on vojensspeedwaycenter.dk

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