Image: Frank Cilius -

SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway will be in the strongest line-up when they take on Region Varde Elite Sport on Wednesday night at Vojens Speedway Center. Despite the fact that SES has already secured home ground in this year's Super Final in the Metal Speedway League, no chances are taken.

- Although SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway has already ensured that this year's Superfinal for the DM title in the Metal Speedway League, I can promise you that nothing will be relaxed in tonight's match against Region Varde Elitesport, because there is no free "round" in speedway, says Jacob Olsen who is director of SES.

- The drivers are fighting for their places on the team, some are fighting for a wildcard for the Danish World Cup Grand Prix, Saturday 11 September, and overall the team will run out and show why they lead the league and why they won this year's cup tournament , Metal4, earlier this year, Jacob Olsen elaborates.

At the same time, SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway has for the first time this year the opportunity to invite a large number of partners and sponsors in the VIP lounge, and they will experience a 100 % effort from the home team, with Kai Huckenbeck, Anders Thomsen, Nicolai Klindt, Mads Hansen and Jesper Knudsen.

Region Varde Elite Sport comes to Vojens with a highly competent team with international experience.

Polish veteran Piotr Protasiewiecz has been selected as the A-driver. He was team world champion with Poland back in 2005, but has also been a regular driver in the Grand Prix series for a number of years. Another Polish driver, Tomasz Gapinski, can also be found at Region Varde. He has many international results, and two Polish team championships on his resume.

Australian Nick Morris is also on Region Varde's team, together with the exciting young 18-year-old Swede Philip Hellstrøm-Bängs, who recently impressed at the individual Swedish championship with a 5th place.

On Wednesday, the great talent Tim Sørensen will be the only Danish touch at Region Varde.

The match starts at 19.00

There will be a free live stream with Ib Søby from the match, but it will only be broadcast when the televised match between Fjelsted and Slangerup is over.

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