Again this year the Hold World Cup in speedway has been replaced by the format formerly known as the Par World Cup, now called the Speedway of Nations. Denmark comes into action on Saturday, May 11 in Manchester. Here it is about finishing in the top three and redeeming ticket to the World Cup finals in Russian Togliatti in July.
The country's two grand prix stars are to give Danish speedway a result boost.
With an injury-free 36-year-old Niels Kr. Iversen and the formidable 30-year reigning European Champion Leon Madsen available, the Danish national coach team, Hans Nielsen, Erik Gundersen and Henrik Møller have not had difficulty putting the team that runs this year's Speedway of Nations.
- There are many young drivers who are really knocking on the national team, and we are happy about that. But with Iversen and Madsen, we agree that we are in the strongest position. Also considering the two major and fast-moving lanes in Manchester and Togliatti, says Hans Nielsen.
The national coach team has also selected U21 national team captain Frederik Jakobsen, because new rules require each team to set up a U21 runner who must run at least one heat in each race.
- With Frederik Jakobsen on the team, we meet with one of the world's best in U21, and he can play a crucial role in Denmark's success, Hans Nielsen believes. As back up, Michael Jepsen Jensen and U21 driver Patrick Hansen are also members of the gross squad. They are not in Manchester but can get on the pitch in Togliatti if replacements are needed.
Last year, Denmark finished fourth with Jepsen Jensen and Kenneth Bjerre on the team, while Russian Emil Saytfudinov and Artem Laguta surprisingly triumphed and won Russia's very first World Cup gold in speedway.
- We have a goal to fight for the medals in Togliatti, but initially concentrate on moving on from Manchester, where I see Denmark as favorites with Australia and the host nation, says Hans Nielsen.
In Manchester, the Danes will face the United Kingdom, Australia, the US, Latvia, Finland and France.
NERI country coach Hans Nielsen, 40 10 10 51.