
The German national team driver Kai Huckenbeck fits in as tailored into the team spirit that SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway sees as an important value base when the team in 2021 turns out in the Metal Speedway League.

The 27-year-old Kai Huckenbeck has for a number of years been among Germany's very best speedway driver, together with Martin Smolinski and Tobias Kroner. Thus, Huckenbeck became individual German champion in 2013 and 2014, just as he has several team titles, and shown strong driving in both the British, Polish and Danish leagues.

And it is precisely from 2017 and 2018 at Esbjerg, in the best Danish series, that the tdl. Esbjerg, and current SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway, team leader Ib Pedersen has an in-depth knowledge of Huckenbeck.

- We had a really good collaboration with Kai Huckenbeck. He possesses a rare team spirit, in this individual motorsport, and it is just as important when the chemistry has to go up, on a team with both stars and young talents, says Ib Pedersen, who has thus taken Huckenbeck with him from Granly Arena in Esbjerg to Vojens Speedway Center.

- Kai is also a real racer, but even though he got his speedway upbringing on the big German tracks - and even drove 1,000 meters of speedway - he can easily find his way around a little smaller facilities. I have seen this several times when he has driven in Denmark, states Ib Pedersen. 

Kai Huckenbeck


Kai Huckenbeck was born in Wuppertal in 1993, and began his career as a 50cc nine-year-old. After being promoted to 500cc in 2008, he quickly established himself at the top of the German hierarchy, where many drivers bet on both the speedway and the classic German parade discipline 1,000 meters long distance.

In addition to the individual German championships and league titles, Kai Huckenbeck has also run the German World Cup Grand Prix in Teterow in 2017, where he scored four points. Back in 2015, Huckenbeck took 3rd place in an SEC EC division on the North German track in Güstrow.

In Speedway of Nations - the current team World Cup - Kai Huckenbeck has been a regular on the German national team.


SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway has now - for the time being - signed contracts with Hans Andersen, Anders Thomsen, Mads Hansen, Jesper and Jonas Knudsen, Norrick Blödorn and Kai Huckenbeck for the 2021 season.

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