Hans Nielsen: Fantastic Zmarzlik


With the great victory and spectacular drive, Polish Bartoz Zmarzlik looks like the 2019 World Champion. Admittedly, there are two World Cup races remaining and important finishes in the Polish league. But hardly anyone in the international speedway environment wants bad luck for the 25-year-old driver from Stettin.

By Ib Søby

& #8211; He looks like is a very worthy world champion. His driving is impressive and now the Poles are holding their breath, hoping to get their 3rd world champion after Jerzy Szczakiel in 1972 and Tomasz Gollob in 2010, says country coach Hans Nielsen, the day after the grand-scale World Cup grand prize in Vojens.

& #8211; Leon Madsen, who is having a difficult night, certainly deserves a World Cup medal, and everything can happen in speedway, but as a coach I would be very happy for a Danish medal - of whatever caliber - to Leon Madsen. He has been this year's big positive surprise in the World Cup series, and the runner who has shown the most beautiful overtures, says Hans Nielsen.

& #8211; Leon has not been able to run at full power and has not been able to train in his daily life. I definitely see him as a potential world champion - if not this year & #8211; then within a few years, if he is free from damage. Leon can be proud of what he has delivered so far this year.

Hans Nielsen was delighted to be in Vojens and experience the formidable atmosphere, which, however, faded a bit, when it was clear that neither Madsen, Iversen nor Michelsen reached the semi-finals.

& #8211; I think the crew at Vojens made a huge effort. The pitch itself was lightning fast. We saw a new track record - 56.5 - from Matej Zagar and a little later, a tangling by Emil Saytfudinov. In reality, the track was perhaps a bit too good, because it was difficult for the drivers to find lines for overtaking. The drama was mostly in the first and second turns, but that is how the speedway is sometimes so unpredictable, reflects Hans Nielsen.

Cardiff is run in 14 days and the last World Cup is in Polish Torun on Saturday 5 October.

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