The Danish World Cup grand prix will be run on September 12, 2020


Speedway fans can already tick the calendar and look forward to next year's biggest event on Danish soil. At the same time, the worldwide Southern Jutland company ECCO Sko A / S has extended the cooperation agreement with the Vojens Speedway Center. The official title is thus: 2020 Danish FIM Speedway Grand Prix Sponsored by ECCO.

By Ib Søby

& #8211; We are pleased that the strong collaboration with ECCO Sko A / S continues. It also confirms that we have delivered the product in 2019, says Jacob Olsen of Speed1way who runs Vojens Speedway Center.

From Ecco Sko A / S headquarters in Bredebro, sponsor & event manager Vivi Okholm confirms the positive cooperation around the Danish World Cup grand prize:

& #8211; At ECCO, we welcome the success that Vojens Speedway Center has created. ECCO is a global company, but we have our feet firmly planted in the South Jutland mud. Therefore, we would like to support Jacob Olsen's vision of having a major global event in Southern Jutland.

However, the new deal does not get Jacob Olsen and his staff to rest on the laurels:

& #8211; We learned a lot of event stuff in the first season. It is a definite advantage that we already know the date of next year's World Cup grand prize. It gives us time to build around sponsors and improve relationships for the audience.

& #8211; In 2020 we will also get SES - Southern Jutland Elite Speedway & #8211; into the Danish league, and at the same time we are maturing with one or two major events in 2020, says Jacob Olsen, but points out that they will only be published when all agreements are confirmed.

The Grand Prix Series in 2020 will start at the Polish National Stadium in the capital of Warsaw on Saturday, May 16. It is the same stadium where Danish Leon Madsen triumphed earlier this year and started a terrific season there & #8211; as you know & #8211; ended with the World Cup silver.

According to next year's calendar, the Danish Grand Prix will be the penultimate of the year. It is a strengthening of the sporting value of the race because the medal match and the rankings around the top 8, at that time, will be nerve-wracking intense.

In 2020, Denmark has Leon Madsen and Niels Kr. Iversen as regular participants, while both European champion Mikkel Michelsen and Anders Thomsen are reserves.

Ticket sales start already at week 46 at

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