2023 will be an exciting year


In this year's Christmas greeting, Jacob Olsen looks forward to 2023, a year that offers 2 Grand Prix races in Vojens and a league team that will go out to defend their title.

First of all, I am happy that we can stand here at the end of the year and look back on a year where it was possible to complete an entire speedway season without interruptions or restrictions due to Corona. It's still out there playing in the background, but not at all in the same way as if we go back a year, when new restrictions were introduced in the run-up to Christmas.

And what a season it was for us at Vojens Speedway Center. That SES – Sønderjylland Elite Speedway already this year won DM gold, even in a final on home ground, felt like a dream we only dared to hope for. Even on the day of the finals, no one could feel safe – because anything can happen in speedway. We are incredibly proud of what the drivers and team management have accomplished in 2022.

If you look at Vojens with an international lens, we had a really nice Grand Prix held in September with 12,500 spectators. It was the first time that we held it with Discovery Sport Events and their new concept. They have done a really nice job and we have had a good dialogue with them throughout.

Discovery also got to know Vojens a little earlier than originally planned, when we agreed to hold SON - Speedway of Nations with only 17 days' notice in July after they in Esbjerg had unfortunately announced that they could not carry out the event. It was a busy and hard few weeks, but we can be proud of what we got together to be able to hold the team WC over 4 days.

I cannot repeat enough that all of this could not be done without my amazing staff, all the volunteers and associations who stepped in and helped. You guys are cool. Once again, thank you very much.

In Vojens Speedway Klub, we also look back on a great season, where several medals were brought home. Our team in 50cc 2nd div. got silver medals and our team in 85cc 1st div. and 2nd div. both got bronze medals. Individually, Villads Pedersen became European champion in 85cc, and he also got a nice silver medal in the 85cc Danish championship. We also got another European champion in Jesper Knudsen when he won the European championship for U19.

As chairman of the Vojens Speedway Club, I am proud of the fine results from the club's team and drivers. A big thank you must also go to the many volunteers who help out at the club and make a great effort.

Looking forward to 2023, I am delighted that, in addition to Sønderjylland Elite Speedway's home matches in the Speedway League, we will also be holding an U21 WC qualification round in May, as well as two WC races in September. It is with great pleasure that we will once again hold a Danish Grand Prix in Vojens on 16 September, and that this time we will also have the U21 WC series SGP2 which will be run on 15 September. In the SGP series this year we again have the 3 Danes Anders Thomsen, Mikkel Michelsen and Leon Madsen. And I also hope for Danish participation in the SGP2 series again this year, especially now that the decisive division is run in Vojens.

The last few months have again this year been spent by Helge and I visiting many of our sponsors and business partners. We continue to feel great and loyal support, and experience more and more interest in Sønderjylland Elite Speedway and not just the Grand Prix in Vojens. It's great to come out and experience this, and to see that the great achievement of the drivers and team management this year creates more and renewed interest for 2023.

The peace of Christmas is slowly starting to subside, and we are looking forward to next year.

2023 will be an exciting year.

With loving speedway greetings, I wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone in Danish speedway.

Jacob Olsen

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