Warming and Søby behind the microphones in Vojens


When Vojens Speedway Center - under the name SES Sønderjyske Elite Sport - returns to the Metal Speedway League, the team's home-field matches are garnered with big screen, stadium peak and interviews conducted by former runner Nanna Warming and tanned speedway journalist Ib Søby.

By Mathias Ravn-Nielsen

For Jacob Olsen and the staff of Speed1way, a Danish league race is not just about running 14 heats and then announcing a winner.

"When the audience comes to Vojens to see the speedway, they must have a total experience with well-functioning stalls, bold music, good overview on the big screen, interviews from the equestrian center and competent commentary from the judges tower," says Jacob Olsen.

“It's a scoop that we get a speaker duo with Nanna Warming and Ib Søby to convey the events when SES runs league races. As a former driver and team leader, Nanna knows the sport from the inside, while Ib hardly needs a closer presentation as a longtime TV commentator and stadium speaker for over a hundred Danish and international races ”, Jacob Olsen elaborates.

30-year-old Nanna Warming is one of the country's few female speedway profiles. As a young woman, she was the first girl in the world to qualify for the YGT, the Youth World Cup. Later, she also became the first woman in the Polish league where she ran for Ostrow. A crash in 2008 resulted in serious fractures in the back, but Nanna Warming came back and created a clean women's team in Esbjerg, which participated in the Danish Division 2.

Nanna Warming Jørgensen - New stadium speaker

In recent years, Nanna Warming has served as a team leader for young drivers in Funen Fjelsted and Munkebo, while she has trained alongside a financial economist and is currently employed by Arbejdernes Landsbank in Haderslev.

Since Jacob Olsen's acquisition of Vojens Speedway Center, 61-year-old Ib Søby has served as press officer. Ib Søby also has assignments outside of the speedway sport as a journalist, writer and lecturer.

But the speedway sport is Ib Søby's heartbeat, and back in 2010 he was honored by the Danish Motor Union with the rare mark of merit in gold. 

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