Vojens back in the Danish Metal Speedway League


After 10 years of absence, Vojens Speedway Club will again be medalist for medals in the Danish speedway league. However, the club, which has never won the Danish championship, took bronze in 2010.

By Ib Søby

Vojens Speedway Center will again emit methanol, throttle at the bottom and intense activity in the equestrian yard. And not only in connection with major international races such as this year's European Championships on August 10 and the World Cup grand on September 7, no the legendary facility will once again put a blow to the gloom in the Danish super league.

- From next year we will challenge the leading clubs in the Danish league, and in this way will help to sharpen competition and the level of Danish top speed, says Jacob Olsen, who in addition to his role as director of Vojens Speedway Center, was also elected as club chairman this past winter.

- Just think what great local traditions we can get for example Holsted, Region Varde, Esbjerg or Grindsted, says Jacob Olsen, without disguising clubs such as Zealand Slangerup and Funen Fjelsted.

- In reality, we had the opportunity to participate already this season, but Helge Frimodt and I agreed that things should be done properly, with a solid preparation before we set out.

The club has not yet named the riders who will wear the VSK logo on the vest from 2020.

- We have received interesting inquiries from several top drivers at home and abroad, but of course have to hold meetings and negotiations behind closed doors, in the coming months, so that we do not step other clubs over their toes, says Jacob Olsen.

The club, which - in recent months - has gone from 3 active to current 24, will also focus on talent development and coaching of young drivers.

- Developing future generations is the most important raw material in any sport. Our members must grow strong while dreaming of joining the super league team, and later conquering seats on the Danish national team, and the grand prix series.

They must dream of winning the Danish Grand Prix on the same track where they have worn their children's shoes, declares Jacob Olsen.

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