
Next year's individual Danish champion in speedway will also be crowned at Vojens Speedway Center. This is clear after a meeting where the Danish Motor Union rewards Vojens for a beautifully completed final in September. DM 2021 will be run on Wednesday 9 June.

Photo: John Bo Jensen

In speedway circles, this year's DM final is considered one of the best for many years, both organizationally and sportingly, and it is a proud director Jacob Olsen from Speed1Way, who can already begin planning the 2021 edition of this classic party night for Danish speedway.

- We can now look forward to a season with DM finals and matches in the Metal Speedway League, plus the Danish WC Grand Prix on Saturday 11 September, says Jacob Olsen.

Ticket sales for next year's DM final will be launched shortly.

- There are just some practical conditions that we must have in place with billetlugen.dk, and we expect to offer a favorable "Early Bird" award in December, says Jacob Olsen, who is pleased to be awarded a new final.  

- It is a strong signal that NERI is awarding us a new DM final, because it is no secret that we with only 300 spectators - due to corona restrictions - had a significant financial loss in the 2020 edition. This despite the fact that many fans backed us up with support tickets at home from the couch, where they watched the final on TV2 Sport, says Jacob Olsen.

The two SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway drivers Anders Thomsen and Nicolai Klindt took DM gold and silver in the terrific DM final, Wednesday 30 September. It was also here that the only 17-year-old Marcus Birkemose got his regular breakthrough with a sensational bronze medal.

Info: Jacob Olsen, Speed1Way, 23 42 05 07 

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