
Fifteen nations. Four international races in four days. Two World Cup titles with good Danish medal chances. There is the essence of this year's Speedway of Nations which takes place at Vojens Speedway Center in the days from 27 to 30 July.

Ticket sales for this year's largest World Cup party on Danish soil are now on sale at very audience - friendly prices, which are much lower than you normally experience at world - class speedway events. In addition, children under the age of 15 have free admission.

Ticket sales start on Wednesday at 12.00

Read more at billetlugen.dk

By Ib Søby

It was with only 17 days' notice that Discovery Events, which owns the rights to the Speedway Grand Prix and Speedway of Nations, approached the staff at Vojens Speedway Center to find out if they would be able to hold this year's Speedway of Nations, which are the team world championships for both senior and U21.

- My first thought was that it would be a disaster for Danish speedway if this year's Speedway of Nations could not be carried out on Danish soil as originally planned, and possibly had to be run in another country, says director Jacob Olsen from Speed1Way, who runs it national danish speedway arena.

- It was Vojens or nothing.

- Then I contacted the closest in my staff, where it quickly turned out that one was ready to skip vacations and jump in work clothes.

Since then, Jacob Olsen and manager Helge Frimodt Pedersen have worked almost around the clock to make the gigantic puzzle connected with having to run four international speedway races in four days in week 30.

- The list of things to be ready is long. Everything imaginable, just from ordering draft beer and sausages, officials, security guards, and numerous other challenges requires ice in the stomach. But I also think we feel a good support, so I am convinced that we will get a world-class event stacked on its legs, says Jacob Olsen.

- We really hope that Danish speedway fans will show up, because I am quite convinced that Denmark has good chances for medals, both at senior and at U21, so it can be something of a red and white party, says Jacob Olsen.

Speedway of Nations 2022 - Team WC - Vojens Speedway Center

Semifinals 1

Wednesday, July 27, 7 p.m.

Germany, Poland, USA, Latvia, Finland, Australia, Ukraine

Semifinals 2

Thursday, July 28, 7 p.m.

England, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Slovakia

U21 Team WC Final

Friday, July 29, 7 p.m.

Australia, Latvia, Poland, England, Denmark, Czech Republic, Sweden

Speedway of Nations, Hold World Cup Final

Saturday, July 30, 7 p.m.

Denmark + three best from two semifinals

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