Mikkel Michelsen crashed with Anders Thomsen - both drivers dropped out. Photo: Frank Cilius

Two of Denmark's Grand Prix stars, Anders Thomsen and Mikkel Michelsen, clashed in a violent crash in the very first heat of tonight's showdown between SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway and Slangerup Speedway Klub, at Vojens Speedway Center.

SES won the dramatic showdown 42-40

By Ib Søby

While Anders Thomsen was taken for examination at Aabenraa hospital, Mikkel Michelsen stumbled in the equestrian yard with great pain in one of his knees and goes straight to an examination on Thursday at a private clinic in Poland.

With the two profiles out of the match, the two 5-year-old drivers, Jesper Knudsen and Slangerup's Finnish team Timi Salonen came to work overtime, and drove the allowed extra heats.

The match was interrupted by several crashes - though not serious - and the intensity increased heat after heat, just as the position wavered back and forth.

After heat 12, it was 35-35.

But then Nicolai Klindt and Mads Hansen won a double victory, and when Benjamin Basso took two points in the last heat, the narrow victory was at home for SES, which is still the top team in the Danish speedway league.

In an interview after the victory, the entire SES team dedicated the victory to Anders Thomsen, who announced on Facebook that he is fairly ok after the rough crash.

SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway

Anders Thomsen 0

Mads Hansen 9 + 1

Nicolai Klindt 11 + 1

Benjamin Basso 12 + 3

Jesper Knudsen 10 + 1

Slangerup Speedway Club

Mikkel Michelsen 0

Andreas Lyager 13

Jonas Seifert 10

Willian Drejer 4 + 1

Timi Salonen 13 + 3

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