Nicki P. gets Wildcard for EM


Triple world champion Nicki Pedersen has received a permanent wild card for this year's European Championships. Thus, the 42-year-old Fynbo is also ready at the start line when Vojens Speedway Center on Saturday, August 10, runs the Speedway Euro Championship: Ovethi - Dæ 3rd round Vojens. A race that marks the rebirth of Vojens as an international speedway mecca.

The Dane has done well in the European context in the past. Especially in 2016, where he won the title.

- I'm pleased to receive a Wild Card for the SEC Series. It means a lot to myself, the team, and not least to my sponsors and partners. Furthermore, I am looking forward to driving again at our national speedway arena in Vojens. I hope to see a lot of people on August 10, says Nicki Pedersen.

This year, Denmark also has the defending European champion and recent winner of the season's first grand prix in Warsaw, Leon Madsen, as one of the favorites for the overall title. Nicki Pedersen and Leon Madsen are joined by the Zealand star shooter Mikkel Michelsen, who qualified with 4th place from last year, and Michael Jepsen Jensen, who made it through from the crucial qualification in Hungary.

In addition, Anders Thomsen has also been given a permanent wildcard for the series. The 25-year-old Fynbo participated in the qualification in Hungary, where he was stumbling close to securing a ticket. It is now being rewarded by the Polish organizer Onesport.

The European Championship Series will start in Güstrow, Northern Germany, on July 13.

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