
In a Christmas greeting to the Danish speedway, Jacob Olsen is looking forward to a new season. At the same time, Olsen believes that the corona-affected 2020 will lead to greater unity, sporting enthusiasm, and national pride in the coming years.

- The best thing you can say about the year that will soon run out is, of course, that the vast majority of us are healthy and well, says Jacob Olsen from his office behind Ole Olsen Lounge at Vojens Speedway Center.

- 2020 ended up being a year full of frustrations and worries, but I believe and hope that it has also been a year where Danish speedway has been able to look inwards. Are we skilled enough in the clubs to ensure talent development, are we good enough to receive new members, and can we maintain and strengthen the sporting framework when we - in the foreseeable future - get back on track, reflects Jacob Olsen .

- If we do not do our best, the Danish speedway will lag behind. We still have great potential, and we are still one of the best speedway nations in the world, but it requires something extra from all of us to maintain and increase interest. Big profiles sell more tickets, which benefit the club coffers and thus the talent development, which creates new profiles.

- People also stream to the cinema when there is a good Danish film on the program, Jacob Olsen compares.

For Jacob Olsen and the staff at Speed1Way, 2020 nevertheless offered some positive moments. Despite financial losses, the individual DM final was completed, and went down in history as one of the most spectacular and captivating finals in many years.

- That we got a brand new champion in the form of Anders Thomsen, from our own SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway, was the sporting highlight of the year for me. But I would also like to highlight the great support we have received throughout the year from fans, sponsors, partners and Haderslev Municipality. It has been uplifting, and has given us the strength to believe in a strong future.

- I am also pleased that Vojens Speedway Klub has kept the flag high. Despite many restrictions, the members have completed races in the 1st and 2nd divisions and in the youth ranks, just as many fine training evenings have been held, says Jacob Olsen.

He can state that Vojens Speedway Klub in just two years has gone from 38 members to over 120.

- On the other hand, I am sorry that we had to dismiss our event manager Maiken Friis-Krüger, because the many intended events, including for business, could not be implemented. These are activities that we will start as soon as circumstances allow.

- Fortunately, we have been able to maintain our daily staff of employees at Vojens Speedway Center, so after all, we can put a parenthesis around 2020, and start up again after the New Year with the many experiences we have gained.

- With loving speedway greetings, I wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone in Danish speedway, concludes Jacob Olsen.

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