Ib Søby's historical novel is republished


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Reunion, the Copenhagen publishing house re-publishes Muusmann Ib Søby's historical novel July 6. It will be marked with a lecture at the Vojens Speedway Center on Thursday, March 26 at. 19.30. At the same time, the publisher gives a discount on pre-order, where speedway fans can get the book sent for only DKK 160.

By Mathias Ravn-Nielsen

It's not about the speedway, but still Ib Søby's novel July 6 - which first came out in 2013 - a windblown and dramatic account of a piece of Danish history that casts long shadows to this day. The critically acclaimed novel is about the country's recent civil war, the Three-Year War of 1848-50, and in particular the violent and dramatic events surrounding Fredericia on July 6, 1849.

- The drama about the siege and the battle in Fredericia was one of the greatest geniuses in Danish military history. The victory formed the seed for Danish self-understanding up to the defeat in Dybbøl fifteen years later, says publisher Hanne Muusmann, as the reason for the reissue.

The violent events of the time before, during and after the battle are experienced and told by the young Danish Lieutenant Niels Peter Nielsen, the novel's fictional protagonist. His anxiety and horror of the war, and a passionate crush on a married grocer's wife, are the narrative's existential focal point.

- I'm glad that July 6 now published in a revised edition. Fredericia was, after all, a multi-ethnic community that came together in the time of need, and I think the book contains some thought-provoking parallels that are relevant to both young and mature citizens in today's Denmark, says Ib Søby, who follows the re-release with lectures and events. during spring.

In collaboration with Speed1Way, a lecture will be held at the Vojens Speedway Center on Thursday, March 26th. 7.30pm, where there is free admission.

On the occasion of the Reunion year, Muusmann Forlag 20% offers discount and free shipping in Denmark. You can get the exciting book out of the letter box for only approx. 160 kr.
Check out the link and use the discount code: reunion
The code gives 20% discount + free shipping in Denmark and is valid until 15/3.

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