
This year's Danish FIM Speedway Grand Prix sponsored by ECCO at Vojens Speedway Center will not be held in September due to the government's and the health authorities' Corona restrictions. The new date will be September 11, 2021, for which already purchased tickets apply.

By Ib Søby

- We have fought and turned every stone, but after careful consideration and the authorities' recommendations, we can unfortunately not complete this year's World Cup Grand Prix. The financial loss is so threatening that Vojens Speedway Center would not be able to survive, says Jacob Olsen from Speed1Way who runs the national speedway arena. 

Since April, Speed1way has been in dialogue with the government, thanks to close contact with Member of Parliament Hans Chr. Schmidt (V). On Wednesday 1 July, Helge Frimodt Pedersen and Jacob Olsen were at a meeting at Christiansborg with both Schmidt and Minister of Trade and Industry Simon Kollerup (A) to explore the possibilities of maintaining the World Cup race.

But with the government's current assembly ban of 500 people, it will actually mean that one will have the opportunity to sell approx. 350 tickets for the public when deducting driving teams, officials, security, etc. Therefore, the running of the World Cup Grand Prix at Vojens Speedway Center will not be possible without risking the center's survival.

In recent weeks, Speed1Way has nevertheless tried to get an agreement in place with the licensees BSI / IMG in London, whether it was possible to run the World Cup race largely without the audience, but unfortunately these negotiations are stranded that the licensees will not ease enough on the large financial demands .

Therefore, the decision was made with timely care. 

- It is with disappointment and deep regret that we have not been able to make the health and financial requirements stick together. It is the most difficult situation I have experienced, but I hope for understanding and support from the many Danish speedway fans, who now have to wait a year for the international WC speedway at Vojens Speedway Center, says Jacob Olsen, who will continue to do everything to pull big speedwayevents to Vojens in the future.

All ticket buyers are contacted directly by Billetlugen.dk regarding the exchange of the ticket for the new date.

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