
In the years after World War II, speedway was real hot in England, and in other European countries. This is also the case in Denmark, which is emphasized by this short film from 1951 - spoken by Gunnar "NU" Hansen.

See link below.

Photo: Speedwaylife.com

By Ib Søby

Over 20,000 spectators were on the stands at Næstved Athletics Stadium to experience 1950 and the 53-time world champion Freddie Williams from Wales in a match against the Danish star Kiehn Berthelsen.

At that time, lots of international speedway races were run at Danish athletics stadiums. Men and motorcycles roared well in the club boxes for momentary replacement of shot put, high jump and hurdles. Now it was on a raging race, engine noise, the smell of methanol and of course lots of dust and slag in the hair.

Where in our time only driving on Zealand in Glumsø and Slangerup, the post-war speedway was to a large extent a phenomenon on tracks around Copenhagen. It was at stadiums such as Gentofte, Charlottenlund, Gladsaxe and Amager, just as many major Zealand cities offered speedway experiences.

In this case, Næstved.

In the years from 1949 to 1955, Næstved Stadium was the setting for a series of very fine speedway competitions, which Næstved Motor Klub arranged. All the big Danish names of the time such as Kiehn Berthelsen, Orla Knudsen Erhardt Fisker and the veteran "Morian" Hansen, together with a number of foreign stars from the world elite, drove in Næstved and drew very large spectators. The audience record reached 21,000 at a rally.

During the course's active period, 4 - 5 races were run per. season, but over time the audience's interest waned. Many athletics stadiums were located in the middle of residential areas, which eventually posed an environmental and noise problem, and in 1955 Næstved Motor Klub began to concentrate on motocross.

Speedway, however, returned to Næstved Stadium for a brief but happy reunion 27 years later.

In 1982, Næstved Motor Klub, together with the Lions Club, arranged an international race at Næstved Stadium. Ole Olsen helped to obtain agreements with international star riders and approx. 7000 spectators really got speedway for all the money.

In addition to Olsen, Erik Gundersen, Hans Nielsen and other Danish stars, international profiles such as Phil Crump, Anders Michanek, Bobby Schwartz and Gordon Kenneth also participated in the very last race in Næstved.

Source: speedwaylife.com

Næstved Athletics Stadium, Sunday 17 June 1951.


1. Eric Williams, Wales

2. Henry Andersen, Norway

3. Freddie Williams, Wales

4. Kiehn Berthelsen, Denmark



Here a 3 minute version, which unfortunately is without sound. Around 0´50, the legend Morian Hansen is seen - with a smoke in his mouth, and the last pictures show Kiehn Berthelsen (6) and the brothers Eric and Freddie Williams.

You can also glimpse Norwegian Leif "Basse" Hveem (3) and the local hero Erik Wincentz (12)


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