Anders Thomsen again this year's speedway driver in Denmark

Anders Thomsen
Photo: Frank Cilius -

The 28-year-old SES Sønderjylland Elite Speedway driver was this weekend honored at the Danish Motorsports Award for the second year in a row.

By Ib Søby

The repetition of the individual Danish championship and a 3rd place at the Russian Grand Prix in Togliatti, were the biggest highlights for Anders Thomsen in 2021, and the results ensured him an extended dignity as this year's speedway driver in Denmark, which he also won in 2020.

- I am very happy and grateful to all those who have voted for me, because I think it was a strong field with European champion Mikkel Michelsen and World Cup winner Leon Madsen, who also won bronze at the Speedway of Nations in Manchester, says Anders Thomsen, who believes the honor is a good pat on the back for the upcoming season.

- It is a fantastic signal to my sponsors and my background that so many people in Danish motorsport have again pointed to me as this year's speedway driver, and I will do everything I can to acknowledge the trust in the coming year.

The young SES driver Mads Hansen was also nominated after a season with individual U21 World Championship silver, just as he is also part of the squad at Speedway of Nations.

Also part of the story of a good 2021 is that Anders Thomsen and Mads Hansen had crucial roles for SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway, which in its debut season took DM silver for teams and won the cup tournament Metal4.

Anders Thomsen and Mads Hansen, together with this year's SES troupe, will be presented at a press and practice event at Vojens Speedway Center on Wednesday 6 April.

You can see the entire Danish Motorsports Award 2022 here:

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