
It is not entirely cheap for speed-loving young people to throw themselves over the hectic speedway sport. But with a donation from Reformlån Danmark, Vojens Speedway Klub can now offer future members a test drive before investing in a motorcycle and equipment.

Johnny Paaskesen and his son Stephan delivered the motorcycle to Vojens Speedway Klub.

The new 85cc motorcycle, with various equipment, was handed over to Vojens Speedway Klub on Thursday.

- I bought the motorcycle for my son last year, but he did not get a taste for the sport, and thus I got the idea that Vojens Speedway Klub could have a great advantage in having the motorcycle available, says Johnny Paaskesen from Reformlån Danmark. He has ridden speedway himself, and as an international mental trainer has been in the hinterland for numerous athletes, so also the Danish Grand Prix driver Niels Kr. Iversen.

- We are happy and proud, because in the development that the club is going through, it is important that children and young people can try themselves and the sport in a safe environment. Who knows if a future world champion will start his career - take his very first ride - on the motorcycle that Johnny Paaskesen has donated, says the chairman of Vojens Speedway Klub Jacob Olsen.

In 18 months, the club has grown from 46 members to 114.

One of the members, 10-year-old Viktor Christensen, had the honor of testing the new bike in a couple of laps. Viktor has been driving speedway since he was five years old, and this year he has been promoted to the 85cc class.

On a daily basis, Viktor is in 4th grade at Over Jerstal School.

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