
The management at Vojens Speedway Center, Vojens Speedway Club, Speed1Way and SES - Southern Jutland Elite Speedway, on Thursday morning chose to follow the invitation of Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, and will close down all activities - tentatively for weeks 12 and 13.

- In the current situation, it is about the Danes standing together and each one helping to fight the spread of Coronavirus. I am sure that our many members, sponsors and partners, understand that we are now taking this step, says CEO Jacob Olsen, who is also chairman of Vojens Speedway Club.

The entire Danish motorsport community also received a statement on Thursday morning from the chairman of the Danish Motor Union, Jørgen Bitsch, who strongly recommends all clubs under NERI to suspend all activities, both indoors and outdoors, for the next two weeks.

The information from Denmark's Motor Union can be read in full at the bottom.

- In the coming weeks we will still be able to be contacted by phone and by mail. We continue our daily work on planning our season debut in the Danish league on April 22, the DM finals on June 10, and our European Championships and World Cup grand prix, later in the season, Jacob Olsen states.

The scheduled book reception and lecture with Ib Søby, on Thursday, March 26, has also been canceled and will be held at a later date.


Based on the latest announcement and recommendations in connection with the Corona virus situation in Denmark, from Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and subsequently from DIF, NERI naturally follows all the recommendations.

That is, we strongly recommend all clubs under NERI to cancel all activities up to and including March 27, both indoor and outdoor activities (training, running, major meetings, etc.)

For MX, cancellation of races also applies on March 28 and March 29.

It is a very serious situation, but if we do the right thing, we can hope that the situation can quickly come under control and the season can start. Of course, we are aware that there are many planned activities with less than 100 people in the next 2 weeks, but we must all do our best to limit the infection. The alternative is clearly very scary.

Several events are planned in all our disciplines in the coming period and also on the weekends after March 27th. We will return soon with further information about these events in the individual discipline, about what is expected to be completed, postponed or canceled.

The NERI Secretariat will also be in the period closed for physical attendance, but as usual the staff of the secretariat will be able to meet by telephone or by mail.

With best regards

Jørgen Bitsch


Danmarks Motor Union

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