
The opening match of the Metal Speedway League between SES - Southern Jutland Elite Speedway and the reigning Danish champions from Fjelsted, on Wednesday, April 22, has been postponed. The same applies to the match that the week after, Wednesday, April 29, should have been run against Holsted. Both at Vojens Speedway Center.

By Ib Søby

The worldwide coronavirus crisis is now also affecting the Danish speedway league. In a statement from Denmark's Motor Union, issued on March 18, the union will shut down all racing events in Denmark until April 29. This date is preliminary, and provided that training and preparation can resume from April 1st.

The Executive Order from NERI can be read in full at the bottom.

The chairman of the Metal Speedway League, Anette Vesterskov, supports the announcement from NERI:

- The Metal Speedway League, of course, follows partly the authorities' efforts and calls, as well as the entire world of sports, including NERI's overall approach to combating coronavirus and covid 19.

- In addition, in the DSL Association we have decided that the matches that were scheduled to be run on the 22nd and the 29th. April is canceled.

- We will of course try to find new dates for the matches in question.


If you have any questions about tickets already purchased, please contact Ticketmaster Service Center on tel. +45 70 15 65 65 (Monday - Friday: 10 am - 5 pm).


However, Ticketmaster will contact anyone who has purchased a ticket for the matches in question. The plan is for the tickets to be valid for the new unspecified date.

New calendar:

SES - Southern Jutland Elite Speedway - Matches at Vojens Speedway Center in 2020:

Date Metal Speedway League 2020

TBA SES - Team Fjelsted

TBA SES - Holsted Tigers

May 20 SES - Region Varde

May 27 SES - Slangerup Speedway

June 17 SES - GSK League

August 12 SES - Esbjerg Vikings


On the basis of the latest information from the authorities on the measures against the Corona virus, it has been decided in NERI that with effect from Wednesday 18 March and provisionally until 30 March:

  • All indoor and outdoor sports and sports facilities are closing down
  • Ban on congregations with more than 10 people

In practice, this means that there can still be no training with or without a motorcycle as all sports activities are included in this new initiative.

At the same time, it has been decided that all race events under NERI will be suspended until 29 April 2020. This date is preliminary and on condition that training can be resumed from 1 April in Denmark. 

The race calendar is closed for registration and will be opened as soon as we have control of the situation (and we will probably have to secure the necessary time periods for registration).

This means that the individual branch is now working to explore the possibilities of extending the season when we hopefully get through this very serious situation. More information will come from each branch in the coming days, but we hope and expect everyone will be patient. We will return with further information as soon as new. 

If developments change in the coming period, we will adjust to whatever opportunities there may be, which of course also includes further action by the Authorities.

We would once again ask everyone to follow the recommendations of the authorities and NERI with regard to all our citizens and the situation that no one has experienced before. Thanks in advance to all of you for your understanding and help during this very difficult time for all of us.

Jørgen Bitch.

Chairman, NERI.  

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