Photo: Frank Ciulius

The main entrance at Vojens Speedway Center has been given a new look. The old entrance gates from 1975 have been replaced and clad with two large pictures, which bring a little speedway atmosphere to the spectators who are on their way into the stadium. 

The Tømrerfirmaet AS Tømrer has carried out the renovation, and the work has been generously given as a sponsorship.

- I think it is fantastic that Vojens Speedway Center is now again buzzing with life and activities, both with the WC Grand Prix and the SES team in the Metal League, but also in the club's many teams in other classes and age groups, says Anders Holst Sørensen, who in 2010 founded AS Tømrer which is domiciled in Vojens.

- It is great again to feel the local support and Anders Sørensen is also an important support for the SES team and Vojens Speedway Klub, says Jacob Olsen from Speed1Way

The work of replacing the old - softened - wooden gates has taken a week, and it is the graphic artist Karina Knudsen from Roager who has set up the two large mood pictures on foil, which now adorn the entrance.

The pictures are from 2021 and photographed by Lasse Lagoni and Rasmus Thoustrup.

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