Martin Smolinski Bet on SES


The 37-year-old German Grand Prix winner and tdl. Long distance world champion returns to the Danish Speedway League at SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway. 

By Ib Søby

It is very conceivable that Vojens Speedway Center in the coming season will attract more North German speedway fans when SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway drives at home in the Danish Speedway League.

In addition to Kai Huckenbeck, who excelled in 2021, Germany's biggest speedway profile in recent times will also be performing for the Southern Jews.

For the past few months, Martin Smolinski has been a very reluctant gentleman in the Danish speedway community, because in 2022 he has the status of a B-driver, and thus he will be a strong card in any team composition.

- I have been contacted by several Danish clubs, but after some conversations with Jacob Olsen I am convinced that SES is the right place for me to drive in Denmark, says Martin Smolinski, who has previously driven in Denmark for Slangerup and Grindsted .

The agreement with Smolinski also pleases SES director Jacob Olsen:

- Martin is a professional class driver, where things are always in order. He is also a real team player with a great charisma, which will undoubtedly delight many fans, says Jacob Olsen.

Martin Smolinski made his big international breakthrough when he won the 2014 New Zealand Grand Prix in Auckland. It was the best result for the German speedway since Egon Müller's World Championship title in the Nordic countries in 1983.

At the same time, Smolinski is also housed in the 1000-meter Langbane, where he was overall world champion in 2018.

In May 2020, Martin Smolinski was subjected to serious solo control during an informal training in Leipzig, where he broke his hip, among other things. After several operations, he sensibly returned in 2021 with a new German championship, and was close to qualifying for this year's Grand Prix series on the world championship.

SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway opens the season on Wednesday 20 April at home against the reigning Danish champions from Holsted Tigers.

Martin Smolinski

Born December 6, 1984 in Munich.

Runs both 1000-meter Langbane and Speedway.

Career for many clubs in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Poland and England, Italy and Austria. 

Langbane World Champion 2018

3 x Team World Champion Long Course with Germany

Winner of the New Zealand WC speedway Grand Prix 2014

7 x German Speedway Champion

Clubs 2022:

Denmark: SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway.

Germany: Landshut - runs in Poland's second best league.

Sweden: Vetlanda.

SES - Sønderjylland Elite Speedway 2022 - for the time being

A- Drivers:

Anders Thomsen and Kai Huckenbeck

B- Drivers:

Nicolai Klindt, Mads Hansen and Martin Smolinski

C- Drivers: Benjamin Basso

D- Drivers: Jesper and Jonas Knudsen

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